Step 1 of 2

  • NOTE: Please fill out the below fields that has an *


  • being first duly sworn to tell the truth, states the following:

    That the affiant/signer resident is located at
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Date Year
  • Testator/Deceased, being in contemplation/viewing of imminent death causing extreme/imminent death due to terminal diagnosis, pinpointing its illness, and in the opinion of the witness possessing testamentary/testator capacity, at approximately
  • , construct the following dispositions of assets before,
  • by,

  • My commission expires:

    Nuncupative Will (Verbal)


    This information of the document review is to inform you on the preparation and testimony of this documentation. This form is intended to subscribe and put in to law the last wishes of the descendant. Understanding this documentation, clearly provides more evidence to better serve the heirs of this Will as written.

    A. Prepare and make multiple copies

    B. Be efficient in providing witnesses including doctors, nurses, bystanders, and non-heirs, and incorporated into this evidentiary statement.

    C. Give copies to all parties related.